Monday, December 12, 2011

Take your shoes off

This is for the people that don't understand, that people don't understand.
This is for the people with a fatigued soul.
This is for the people who try harder than those who succeed.
This is for the people that have to fight for happiness.
This is for the sluts.
Take your shoes off.

This is for the people you know would taste bitter.
This is for the b-boys doing their thing.
This is for the friends with no friends.
This is for the young adulterous father.
This is for the senile landlord.
This is for the homeboys.
Take your shoes off.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hero's Journey - Cran

Ordinary World: Cran is rich, he does what he wants, and no one the dislikes him has the power to do anything. He drives nice cars, travels to exotic places, and eats fancy food. He also happens to be married to Rosie Huntington-Whiteley AKA Razz.

Call To Adventure: Cran begins to gain weight.

Refusal of Call: Cran convinces himself that is "a mere 69 lbs gained" is no figure to be ashamed of. Subconsciously, he thinks he's fat.

Meeting With Mentor: Razz forces Cran to sign up for a very expensive weight loss program, where he gains his mentor, Blue. Blue is 6 foot 9, a mix between African and German, and has a body not to be confused with Arnold's.

Crossing The Threshold: Because of Cran's lack of an attention span, he failed to read the 169 page long contract before signing. This contract, unbeknownst to Cran, included his permission to be captured from his posh existence, and forced to live in an absolutely proletarian community. Blue knocks him out in the night and carries him away.

Test, Allies, Enemies: Cran is constantly battling with Blue, as Blue pushes him to do more and more to maintain his figure. The cook, Lingon, helps Cran out by slipping him extra portions under the table. This forms a crude triangle of allies and enemies, as Blue suspects Lingon's involvement in Cran's struggle to lose all 69 lbs.

Approach: Cran's moral in nearly broke when Lingon appears with a fantastic concoction, Lingon's invention of the Clifbar is nearly deus ex machina to Cran, as the Clifbar's give him the strength needed to continue, and more.

Ordeal: Cran luckily stumbles upon the location of his whereabouts at the base of the Thera Volcano in Greece. Cran remembers his nearest house in located on Santorini Island. As soon as Cran discovers this, he also discovers the main goal of the exercise program, to kill by exhaustion. He is notified of the approaching "Jackie Chan Race" named so because Jackie Chan was the only person believed to hold to skills necessary to complete it.

Reward: After running 111.1 Kilometers, Cran's exhaustion begins to curb his effort 6.9 miles into the swimming portion of the race. Luckily his father had beat him with a compass as a child, because Cran still retained a Compass like imprint upon his bosom that somehow converted the magnetic pull of the earth into a direction. Using this rudimentary braille-like compass, Cran maneuvered the waters akin to a dolphin chasing his mate, thanks to Blue's intense training, and Lingon's special recipe. Cran eventually reaches his home on the Santorini Island with Blue's hound Mul right on his tale. Cran proceeds to prepare his private jet for the journey back to Beirut, but not before checking FB, and tweeting "Greece is nice this time of year".

The Road Back: Cran returns home to Beirut into the arms of his lovely wife Razz, and returns immediately to his old lifestyle. Fast cars, Caviar, and of course his wife, are all the Cran can think about.

Resurrection: Because of Cran's return to his old habits, he proceeds to gain weight. Eventually weighing in at 68 lbs more than his regular. Razz's bed experience declines as Cran's weight increases. She will not put up with this anymore, and threatens to call Blue if Cran passes the magic number. Cran has sudden deja vu, and recalls his whole experience on the island, and remembers the Clifbar. He cooks up a batch, and with the extra motivation returns to a happy equilibrium.

Return With The Elixir: Cran hires an assassin to kill Lingon, and proceeds to publish Lingon's invention, claiming it as his own. With the new Clifbar, everyone in the world is motivated to stay fit and obesity is ended. More importantly, Cran's fortune doubles.

Hero: Cran

Mentor: Blue

Threshold Guardian: Razz

Herald: The 169 page-long contract

Shape-shifter: Blue

Shadow: Mul

Trickster: Lingon

Film Analysis - Taken

Ordinary World: Bryan Mills is divorced and his only daughter lives with his wife. He quits his job in the CIA in order to move closer to his daughter.

Call To Adventure: His 17 year old daughter goes to Paris with only one other girlfriend, and on the first day is kidnapped and sold into prostitution.

Refusal Of The Call: I seriously cannot thing of any fear or refusal on Bryan's part. He is a BAMF.

Meeting With The Mentor: Bryan does not need a mentor.

Crossing The Threshold: Bryan tells his ex wife and her husband about the kidnapping and her husband buys Bryan tickets to Paris.

Tests, Allies, Enemies: Bryan doesn't have any allies, everyone is his enemy, and he is faced with the test of beat up every middle aged man in Paris who are keeping him from his daughter.

Approach: Bryan's only ally betrays him, so he shoots his wife and makes him do what he wants.

Ordeal: One man finally gets a hit on Bryan, and he wakes up handcuffed to a solid steel pipe. He breaks the pipe and kills everyone who was about to kill him, and shoots the head guy at least 10 times.

Reward: He finally killed everyone and gets his daughter back. Yay!

The Road Back: He returns with his daughter to the USA, and they all live happily ever after.

Resurrection: He is still single.

Return With Elixir: His daughter is more cautious of random trips to foreign coutries without his supervision.

Hero: Bryan Mills

Mentor: Bryan Mills

Threshold Guardian: Men with guns

Herald: His French ally/enemy

Shapeshifter: His French ally/enemy

Shadow: Indian men

Trickster: Indian men

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bad Boy Reigns

Swoosh, Bad Boy Bobby rained his 45th half court shot in a row. damn.

Bobby obtained the nickname "Bad Boy Bobby" in class one day. Bobby was walking over to the trash can in his 7th grade class when he slipped on a banana peel. This cause him to careen into the nearest cupboard, which in turn caused the cupboards to knock over each proceeding one, eventually squishing the teacher at the front of the room. This was later coined "the cataclysmic domino." The rumors escalated from there. Involving everything from gang rape to high profile extortion. His nickname was later reduced to Triple B for the sake of the uneducated population who had trouble with his previous name.

Despite Triple B's notoriety, he was actually a pussy, and he knew it. Truthfully, Triple B liked to do stuff such as organize cyber-bully-prevention conventions, help elderly women across the street, and hand out money on street corners.

Triple B was living a double life, being a thug in the day, and doing good deeds in the night. Luckily he was born with a disease that caused him to not need sleep.

However, this all changed on August 3rd, 2011, when Bobby was out in front of his yard, smoking a fake joint. A group of Italian mobsters pulled up the corner and handed him a folder, then sped off in their clearly Italian Lamborghini. He opened the folder, and what he saw changed his life forever.

Will Triple B ever get to ride in the Lamborghini?
Hoe many elderly women will be ran over if he fails to maintain his secret night life?
Is the date August 3rd 2011 significant?

Monday, November 7, 2011


Atmosphere - Yesterday: A stroll through town turns to a reminiscent thought through the past. After the sight of a familiar face, Sean begins on his way through and emotional journey. A journey filled with experiences, and regret. Although presented with the sight of a familiar face. Join Sean as he struggles between his knowledge of the state of the person, and his regretful memories including them.

Tupac - Changes: As a young kid growing up in the streets Tupac learned different morals than the average middle class individual. He stole when he needed, and broke the law to live. He expresses his frustrations with the governments war on drugs, instead of taking a stand against the real problem, poverty.

Rachmoninov - Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor (I) Moderato: A young musician named Sergei had a passion for music. He lived in a moderate establishment doing what he pleased, music. Tribulations followed, struggle and trials. As he rose, so did the hurt. His eventual success ended was a imminent event for him, and he rose to be the best, and through that realized that there are more important things.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Going too fast?
Make sure your not.

The Racer comes ready,
The Racer finally looks.

Revamped to put out,
Modified for performance,

Racing is set off,
Unnecessary, but plenty.

The Racer perks up,
To make sure the speed.

When going to fast,
A Demon is released.

Original Text:

Nissan's newest customer racing car has finally been released. The 370Z RC (Racing Competition) Nismo race-spec features plenty of competition-specific gear along with a terrific look, to make sure you're not only going fast but looking good doing it.The 370Z RC Nismo benefits from a competition-spec exhaust and a revamped ECU. The racer features on a 3.7-liter V6 engine tweaked, along with the aforementioned perks, to put out a solid 355hp and 276lb-ft of torque.
The 370Z RC also features racing parts like a new clutch, flywheel and transmission. The interior features a necessity-only build, completely stripped out of all unnecessary weight. A Recaro racing seat equipped with a six-point harness strap and carbon fiber dashboard help cut plenty of fat off the Japanese sports car. Total weight has been measured at 2,954lbs.Available for customers to purchase, it comes ready for FIA GT4 and World Challenge GTS racing. It can also be modified to race in the Grand-Am GS class.
Pricing is set at $164,560 for the race-ready 370Z Nismo, however a bare-bones version will also be made available for sale running only $138,230.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Our minds are vast, more information than any computer can process. Alone, because we can never know another mind as we know our own. Do we understand ourselves, do we understand others?

What is the lady looking at the vegetables at the grocery store thinking, what is she going through? does anyone care?

What is the taxi cab driver thinking, does his brain only process info about sights and making conversation, or does he have deeper, conscious thoughts?

What is the quiet person in class thinking, are they brilliant, or dumb. Can you classify anyone as either?

What is the loud, popular class clown thinking, does he only think of jokes to say in class, or are the jokes merely a complex subterfuge to hide insecurity or problems?

What is the salon lady thinking, does she really like your hair? Or is her excitement paralleled with the size of her pay check?

What is the fleeting businessman in the airport thinking, are they suffering from a disease, are they in complete bliss, do they love?

What am I thinking, do I really like them, is my life really that bad, do people actually see the flaws I see in myself?

Questions asked but never known, why strive for answers when we're all alone.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Musings of Death

Life would be better if everyone understood that we are all gonna die. I too often find people who's focus is life. I think mine is too.

If you had 6 billion dollars would you be stressin if you lost one?

we don't even matter if we die. no one cares, or at least they get over it. What are we to a universe of infinite size.

Do our small futile actions obstruct or disturb the raw paths of celestial bodies?

What is a sum of money to Steve Jobs now? I'm quite confident he is not spending it, whether in heaven, hell, or nothingness.

He is reduced to human, equal to you, me, equal to the hobo of cedar hills.

What is there to live for, if to live there is death.

luckily there is God.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


One word, Wood

Wood is equisite. It's classy, it's smooth. Put it on furniture, and it's scholarly. Put it in a car, and it's pimpin. Put it on a phone, and it's more than unique, it's BAMF.

Along with leather, cotton, and ganja; wood was once alive. Composed of cells, now dead, just a skeleton remains. Which outlasts, mortals or wood? From the 5000 old bristle-cone pine, to the 400 foot tall redwood, it's grandeur is real, whether in present or past form.

Contained in one word is more feeling than be said in this infantile language. Enumerable possibilities, defined by mere letters. Poetry based off the foundation of thought, advanced beyond words.

Although short, why say more, when contained in the title, is meaning galore.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I should try some of these..

You've been given a direct order to rock the F*** out.

Rock out like you can do cool tricks on a scooter, Rock out like Epic Rap Battles of History is you and your friend, and no one knows, Rock out like your the first person since Aladdin to find the genie, Rock out like you know the difference between your and you're.

Rock out like you just got struck by lightning.. twice, and lived.

Rock out like daddy bought a new car, Rock out like your thinking about a song, and it comes on shuffle, Rock out like EVERYBODY is rocking out, Rock out like you can freestyle like Eminem, and "shook ones pt. II (instrumental)"comes on in a public place, Rock out like Michael Jordan showed up to late night pick-up ball.

Rock out like you got a new seating chart in class, and the prettiest girl in the school is sitting next to you.

Rock out like you drop your phone and it doesn't break, Rock out like no one knows who you are on blogger so you can say whatever you want, Rock out like Jason Bourne is your personal bodyguard, Rock out like you order fries at Wendy's and they burn your fingers.

Rock out like you got some new socks.

But, most of all.. more importantly.. the biggest deal, Rock out like you're gonna die, cause you will.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm 36

I'm 36
I'm driving on a street filled with beggars and millionaires
The middle class is gone.. Almost, there's me still. Hm
I wish I could walk but I can't... it's dirty black corolla
plastic rims, manual locks, fabric seats, blown out
It's an automatic, it doesn't even need my help
I open my wallet and it's filled with pennies
Last meal was yesterday, it was sardines
I work at a failure insurance company
The front door wasnt touched today
I'm entertained by playing farmville
The other employees ignore me
I have one friend on FB.. Mike
I've never met him, never will
I have a masters in physics
I don't recall e=mc^2 at all
I live in a dank apartment
No elevator, no windows
The showers lukewarm
I don't use shampoo
My bed is only 6 ft.
Girls don't see me
Only the dullards
I cannot dream
Or daydream
6 hr sleep


Ode to...

I think about you like a beggar thinks about Benjamin, like an alcoholic thinks about his booze, like caterpillar thinks about a butterfly, like the ugly duckling thought about a swan, like a Mexican thinks about America, like a construction worker thinks about his building, like a young boy on the streets of Akron thinks about Lebron James.

I have wanted you since the day I discovered you, hence my constant thinking about you. Your possession in imminent, I do not doubt that fact.

(Chali 2na)

Friday, September 2, 2011


Love is (an/a):


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Turns out when I logged in in order to create a blog, I already had one.. Interesting! Well anyways.. Chali 2na is the name i've chosen to represent me this year. Chali 2na (Charlie Tuna) is a rapper from the group Jurassic five. (For anyone familiar with them he is the one with the low voice) I find the way he raps quite amazing, and although he is still not my favorite rapper, I chose him to represent me. It's interesting, because i didn't choose him to represent me because he is my hero or anything close. I actually just had a J5 song stuck in my head, and so it was him I chose. An interesting concept heroes are. When asked the question of who my hero is, it always takes me quite some time to come up with an answer, and the answer usually is.. I have no clue. This is because I don't have ONE hero. I've observed that a hero to people is someone that they want to grow up as, and be exactly like. I could say my hero is my dad, or Lebron, or Tupac. But its none of them. There are traits I like about all of these people. But I don't like every trait about each of them. So I have decided that if anyone asks me again who my hero is I will reply "My hero, is the future me, and once I have become who I will be, I will make a bibliography and cite all of the traits I borrowed in order to form me."