Thursday, August 25, 2011


Turns out when I logged in in order to create a blog, I already had one.. Interesting! Well anyways.. Chali 2na is the name i've chosen to represent me this year. Chali 2na (Charlie Tuna) is a rapper from the group Jurassic five. (For anyone familiar with them he is the one with the low voice) I find the way he raps quite amazing, and although he is still not my favorite rapper, I chose him to represent me. It's interesting, because i didn't choose him to represent me because he is my hero or anything close. I actually just had a J5 song stuck in my head, and so it was him I chose. An interesting concept heroes are. When asked the question of who my hero is, it always takes me quite some time to come up with an answer, and the answer usually is.. I have no clue. This is because I don't have ONE hero. I've observed that a hero to people is someone that they want to grow up as, and be exactly like. I could say my hero is my dad, or Lebron, or Tupac. But its none of them. There are traits I like about all of these people. But I don't like every trait about each of them. So I have decided that if anyone asks me again who my hero is I will reply "My hero, is the future me, and once I have become who I will be, I will make a bibliography and cite all of the traits I borrowed in order to form me."


Anonymous said...

Nice. I feel the same way about heroes. It's like when someone asks me who my favorite musician is. I don't know. It depends.

But I love J5 and Chali 2na and the whole thing. The verbal Herman Munster.

Maria Williams said...

Ha ha! I really liked your conclusion. I think I feel the same way.

Taylor Mefford said...

That goes on the inspiration page...good work!